Intuit Payment Network is Associated With and Known as:
Intuit Payment Network is a Company that offers Online Payment methods to their Customers. This Company also provide products like Quick Book, Quicken and Turbo Tax, etc. The Company was started in 1981 and the Concept was given by two persons namely, Chetan Sukthanker and Jason Mineo-Goggin. Intuit Payment Network is Very inexpensive for business users for making their payments. Business users can send an Email To their Customers on the address mentioned during their registration, requesting to make their payments through the official website of Intuit. Intuit Payment Network accepts only US Bank payments. Customer who want to become a part of Intuit Payment Network can join them by visiting at:
Intuit Payment Network Security
Intuit is fully trusted company, and having tight security. There are more than 220.000 users who use Intuit payment services. In a year more than 100 transactions take place, using this network payment. Intuit Payment Network has set Some set of tools to protect your data like data encryption methods, safeguards,
Limited information accepted tool, etc. User should always be alert while making their transactions. User should check URL, Email address, etc number of times before making their payments. User should change their account password at-least once in a month, to be free from hacking. Less amount of funding takes two
Three days to get processed, other payments takes 3-4 days to get transferred. Intuit also provide all the facilities like changing your password, editing your account, etc.
Social Networking Sites Of Intuit Payment Network
Twitter link of Intuit Payment Network
Facebook link of Intuit Payment Network
LinkedIn link Of Intuit Payment Network